Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bring It On

Torrance is your typical high-school cheerleader whose life revolves around her college boyfriend, friends, and the next cheer leading competition. The cheer world intensifies for her when she gets named the new captain of her high school team – the San Diego Toros. The Toros win championships, and their cheers are the best.

Nothing can get in the way for Torrance this year – she's determined to lead the squad to victory in her senior year with their sixth consecutive champion title in nationals. Torrance's world comes crashing down when she feels the heat from another squad – The Clovers - that brings on the competition. What's worse is that the old cheer squad captain for the Toros stole all the material they know from the Clovers, and now the Clovers have come to take back the title that they believe to be theirs.

The pressure's on – and Torrance needs to get her squad in shape and bring it on. Her world is constantly changing when she starts to fall for Cliff, a school outsider she would never normally go for. The world of cheer is a wild one, and if you can't take the heat when the competition gets fierce, you better get off the stage!

Yeah, it's a typical teen movie. It's mostly predictable, it's corny, and its filled with teen one-liners and drama. But, for its genre, I thought it was really well done and I actually found myself enjoying it. I think it was the main character – Torrance, played by Kirsten Dunst – that really sold me on this movie. I thought she played her character really well and was well suited for the role.

The movie had great music, great dance/cheer routines, and was actually pretty funny at some parts. (I'd say “spirit fingers” was one of my favorite parts). I remember when this movie came out how popular it was and how much of a craze it started amongst teen and pre-teen generation.

The sequels to this movie – Bring It On Again, Bring it On: All Or Nothing, Bring it on: In It To Win It – well I think were a disappointment compared to the first movie and brought a whole new level to corny, teen drama, and I'd say skip them if you can. But I do recommend the first one! If you haven't seen it yet, click any of the links below to watch videos online. What was your favorite part? What do you think of this movie? Post your response below.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I haven't yet seen this movie myself, as it is expected to hit theaters in September of this year. But I watched the trailer and had to share it to build some excitement for the scares to come.

Five strangers are going about their normal lives on a typical work day. Everyone is scared when the elevator shuts down and they all go into panic mode. Soon, the lights go out, and strange things happen in the dark. When the lights go back on, one of the elevator passengers discover that she has almost a bite mark on her and she's bleeding.

The passengers turn against each other when terrible things keep on happening in the elevator. Help is on the way, but no one can seem to rescue them. They are being terrorized from within, and no one can get away. What they soon come to realize is that an unthinkable evil is among them: the devil itself.

Which one of the strangers is the devil? Someone isn't being fully truthful about their identity.

I don't know what this movie will be like – but I think it has some great opportunity on its hands. The thing with modern day horror films is that they really are hit or miss. I think the concept of this movie could be a sure hit – but it scares me that there aren't many big name actors in it, it could be a miss. What I was happy to see is that Logan Marshall-Green (who was Trey Atwood from the OC) is in this movie, and I like him as an actor.

All in all, I'm not sure what this movie will be like – but I think I'm definitely going to have to check it out to find out! It has the potential to be really scary! Usually any movie that has anything to do with “the devil” really freaks me out – and I think this movie has a lot of twists and turns in store that will send some chills up the audience's spine.

While you're waiting impatiently like I am for this movie to come out, check out any other of your favorite movies or even ones you haven't seen yet on one of the sites below to download videos for free.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Step Brothers

Brennan and Dale are both full grown adults that haven't quite yet matured past the age of 12 year olds. They both still live with their single parent, and they both are stuck in a world of the show COPS, dirty mags, ninjas, and a prolonged adolescence.

Dale and Brennan's single parents fall in love with each other, and yes the two become step brothers. Its a bumpy ride for the two of them: at times they are not sure if there's enough space for the two of them to live comfortably. But then they realize they their similarities may actually be a lot of fun for the two of them and they discover a real friend in each other.

But you can only be young for so long – when will they finally grow up and give their parents the space that they need?

Step Brothers is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. The dynamic between actors Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly is pure comedic brilliance, and they will literally have you laughing for the entire film. When this movie came out, I found my friends and people everywhere always quoting it because they thought it was so funny. Something about seeing these grown men act like immature excited 12 year old boys is just too funny to not laugh at. See for yourself – click on any of the links below to download videos for free and look for Step Brothers today.

Did you know? The director/writer of this film – Adam McKay, was also the writer/director of Talladega Nights and Anchorman? It is said by some that these have been Will Ferrell's finest.

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Bruce Almighty

Bruce Nolan is a television reporter that does live human-interest stories – but he has a thirst for more. He is frustrated with his life and gets himself fired from his job when he doesn't get the promotion he was looking for. Rather than trying to do something about the problems he has in life, he just blames God for all of his problems and complains all of the time.

Then something beyond comprehension happens to Bruce: he is granted the gift of all of God's power, and he can literally control whatever he wants with his very own hands. At first it's amazing, and he gets everything in life that he thinks he's always wanted. But it is important to remember that with great power comes great responsibility.

Not only is he responsible for his own desires – but granting others people desires through their prayer. He gets so consumed with all of the power and frustration associated with it, he forgets about the people that matter most to him – like his girlfriend who was there for him even in his lowest of times.

Bruce needs to get her back – but there is one thing that his godly power cannot control: and that's human free will. He must try to get her back, and do it the hard way. If only he knew what he had when he had it.

This movie has a hilarious – yet strikingly meaningful – concept. People always want what they cannot have, and we all wish we did have the power to get ourselves our deepest desires in life. In reality, as this movie shows us, it is the things we love that are around us that are the things that make life truly worth living.

I thought this movie was brilliant due to the fact that it delivered such a strong message in such a humorous manner – with the comedic talents of Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman, Steve Carrell, and more. Find and watch this movie for yourself by clicking on one of the links below to watch videos online and let me know what you think of it! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

When A Stranger Calls

A re-make from the 1979 horror film, When A Stranger Calls is the story of a young babysitter in high school that is terrorized one night by a psychotic stranger as he communicates with her over the phone. In the large house, she feels somewhat protected from the spooks of the outside world. But she is terrified to be notified by the police that the phone calls are in fact coming from inside the house.

There isn't too much to this plot, in my opinion, and that makes it quite dull. However, there are quite a few scares and I believe this movie was well directed, but that still doesn't quite make up for the poor plot. This movie definitely wasn't one of the scariest that I have seen, but it did have an interesting concept. Do I think that it needed to be remade? No, and most critics agree with me.

Most critics, including myself, were a little ticked that there were hardly any changes made in the 2006 version of this movie. One of the major changes was that the phone was a mobile phone in this movie, and the character and pre-storyline were modified a bit. Other than that it was too similar to the 1979 version. Where's the fun in that?

There are always campfire stories and myths that revolve around strangers terrorizing babysitters or people home alone, and this movie did a great job of capturing that fear. However I do believe that in this day's standard of a horror movie they would have found a way to give it some twists and turns and scenes to send chills up your spine. I believe in theory, it was a great idea to remake this movie. However the plot fell short and there were a few missed opportunities.

According to critics, actress Camilla Belle, although looks like she'd play the part perfectly, really disappointed the audience in her attempt to fill 1979 actress Carol Kane's shoes. It was hard to believe her.

Don't get me wrong, I still liked this movie. But definitely no fave of mine. If you want to watch it for yourself, click on one of the links below for free videos online. And take my advice, be careful the next time you're home alone!

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Island

In my opinion, this is one of the greatest sci-fi movies I have ever seen. I am usually not a huge fan of science fiction either, but this one was highly interesting and was an excellent concept for a movie.

The Island is about Lincoln Six-Echo (Ewan McGregor), a man that lives in a very large and highly controlled facility. There are thousands of inhabitants that live there as well. They have jobs, wear futuristic suits, are controlled in every aspect of their life, and have their health highly monitored (for example their urine is scanned in the mornings).

These people were all born into this controlled environment, and cannot escape and have limited freedom. Just like any human being would, they long to get a taste of freedom and explore the world around them.

For their entire life in this controlled world, they have been told that the outside is highly contaminated. There is only one place in the whole world that is not contaminated, and it's like a paradise. They call it the Island.

Every once in a while, the people who control the facility-world “randomly” have a lottery and choose people to go to the Island. The inhabitants never see them again, and they assume that they are off living a better life.

Lincoln Six-Echo's world comes tumbling down when he discovers the truth about who he really is. He escapes with Jordan Two Delta, one of his best friends and hopeful woman to love (played by Scarlett Johansson). They reveal the truth. All of the inhabitants of this world they used to call home, including themselves, are in fact clones that rich people all over the world have manufactured and purchased so that they can get transplants from them and ultimately live longer. What kind of life is that for any human being?

The two clones escape the world that used to be home, and run on an ultimate goose chase to literally meet their makers – selfish, rich replicas of themselves.

This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat. The concept of this film is brilliant, and it really makes you think about how humans and technology are constantly pushing back the line between what is ethical and unethical in the way people live.

I urge you to see this movie – it's amazing and was directed really well by Michael Bay. Look for it yourself by clicking on one of the links below to watch videos online. What do you think about this movie concept?

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

About A Boy

Will Freeman is a 38 year old bachelor that's got money, no girlfriend, and a lot of immaturity. When he realizes one day that all of his friends are married and settling down with their lives – he finds himself to be lonely and not have much meaning in life. He starts to attend single parent sessions where he pretends that he has a son, in order to meet other women who are vulnerable and easy to snatch.

He starts to meet a long line of single parents, and he easily passes them off as soon as they look for a hint of commitment. What he didn't expect to meet at these sessions, however, was the most unlikely of best friends.

One of the single moms is chronically depressed, unstable, and actually suicidal. Her son, Marcus, so badly just wants his mom to be happy and begins to latch onto Will in hopes he will be a positive influence in him and his mom's lonely lives. Marcus is a strange boy – he's annoying, he asks a lot of questions, he talks to much, and he's socially awkward. He gets bullied at school because of strange things he does like sing to himself out loud without even realizing he did it.

Will can't shake this kid and he finds him to be quite a nuisance – but then they begin to connect on a deeper level in which they both help each other out. Marcus receives guidance through the troubles that adolescence is, and Will begins to realize that Marcus can help him do a lot of growing up at his late stage in life.

So my question is – if the title is “About a Boy” - which boy are we talking about?

This movie is rather depressing at a lot of parts I found. I am a fan of Hugh Grant and I thought that he was great in this film (as an unsuspecting father figure) and I loved seeing the friendship blossom between him and Marcus. I believe every relationship in this world should be mutually beneficial, and this movie is a prime example of that. No matter who it is, you will be able to learn something and get something from them – and you can teach them and give them something too.

See this movie for yourself by clicking on one of the links below to download videos for free. And answer me this: which “boy” do you think this movie is “about”?

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Ben Campbell is a genius student at MIT in Boston and all he wants to do is earn a scholarship to have enough money to go to Harvard University for medicine. He currently does not have the 300,000 dollars that it is going to cost him due to his working class background and his suit salesman job.

Then one day a window of opportunity is presented to him: his math professor (played by Kevin Spacey) asks him to join a special, top secret club of 5 other members. These members are trained by the math professor to count cards in the game of black jack. Ben at first is a little skeptical, but is determined to achieve his goals of getting into Harvard. He decides to roll with it, and once he gets the cash he needs to pull out quick.

Weekend after weekend, Ben and the four other geniuses accompany their math professor in the crazy world of gambling on secret trips to Vegas: where they use hand signals, counting tricks, and fake personas to trick their way into winning hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Initially, Ben only wanted to make enough money to cover the tuition costs associated with his enrollment in Harvard – but his new flashy lifestyle gets to his head as he becomes corrupted with greed. He becomes arrogant through his many successes, and too comfortable in his position on the team. He messes up by putting the team on the radar of a casino owner, and risks absolutely everything. The professor that once welcomed Ben onto the team, now has a desire to ruin everything he ever earned and any chance he has of achieving his dreams.

This is one of the coolest movies I have ever seen because of the concept of a typical plain jane genius student that lives a secret life of a high roller. The neatest part of this movie is that it's actually based on true events. I thought the movie was put together extremely well on screen and it was really well casted. There was a great soundtrack for this film, and the action scenes were superb.

I would strongly recommend this movie for you. It's intriguing, it's clever, and it's action-packed. It has such an unbelievable storyline and the fact that it's based on true events alone makes it worth seeing! Don't miss out – click on one of the links below to download videos for free and look for 21 today!

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Definitely, Maybe

Will Hayes (played by the charming Ryan Reynolds) is grilled by his own 10 year old daughter Maya about his love life as he is in the midst of a divorce with his wife. Maya wants to know anything and everything about her mom and dad fell in love, and about her dad's past love life.

It's bedtime, and for Maya and dad Will – it's storytime. For the majority of the duration of the movie, Definitely, Maybe walks Maya and the audience down Will's memory lane of the special women he has had in his life. Each of the women are given code names, and it is up to Maya at the end to guess the name of her mother's identity.

Is this story-time a session for Maya to learn about her Dad? Or is it a time for Dad to learn from Maya that it's definitely, maybe not too late to rekindle a love with 1 of the 3 women?

Usually movies like this aren't my favorite – but I really enjoyed this one. Ryan Reynolds and Abagail Breslin (who plays Maya) had a very cute father-daughter dynamic. It was warming to watch and surprisingly, this being a romantic comedy – it wasn't completely predictable! I found myself guessing and just as confused as Maya was.

This was a really cute film – and I really liked all the different love stories. As of choice of actresses, I really liked the cast: Rachel Weisz, Isla Fisher, and Elizabeth Banks. All very different and beautiful women.

If you're in the mood for a cute film – this one's for you. Click on one of the links below to watch videos online. I highly recommend this movie. Guys may even like this one – it's not 100% chick flick.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

The Mothman Prophecies

John Klein's life takes a downfall when his wife is killed from a car accident. Her last words to John were - “You didn't see it, did you?”. He finds her sketches of different variations of odd forms and eerie apparitions, and it is these sketches and his wife's last words that will begin John's journey to understand the mystery of the Mothman Prophecies.

Two years later, John finds himself in Point Pleasant, West Virginia – without a clue of how he traveled 400 miles in less than 2 hours. It is in this place that he discovers a connection with his wife's death – people reporting a sighting of the same figure that his wife drew sketches of and was so terrified over. John keeps digging deeper and deeper in an attempt to reveal the mystery of who the Mothman truly is. Not only is this figure just a ghost that scares people – it is a forewarning of tragedy and evil that is yet to come.

This movie is actually based on true events that occurred in the 1960's in Point Pleasant where spottings of the Mothman were reported on many separate occasions by complete strangers.

My favorite line from the movie:

John says to a man that knows somewhat a lot about these beings: “I think we can assume that these entities are more advanced than us. Why don't they just come right out and and tell us what's on their minds?”

The man replies: “You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?”

This movie sent chills right up my spine and really made me question a lot of things in this world. There really is so much for humans yet to discover, or maybe things they never will be able to discover. It really creeps me out that this was a true story, and I thought that this horror story from West Virginia was brought to life brilliantly on the screen.

See this movie for yourself by clicking on one of the links below to watch videos online. Let me know what you think about this movie, do you believe in it?

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Seven Pounds

Ben Thomas is haunted by a secret – and no one quite knows what it is. He is an IRS agent, and is on a mission in life that reaches far beyond his career. He carefully selects 7 deserving people to help in life, and makes big sacrifices to give them something no one else would be able to.

Once he sets his mind on his plan to redeem himself in life, there's no way of stopping him – or at least this is what he believes. What he didn't plan on doing was falling in love with one for the seven people he so carefully selected to make a difference in their lives.

I'm not going to give away what Ben's secret is in this movie – but the explanation above will make a whole lot more sense once you watch the movie for yourself and find out what it is. Click any of the links below to watch videos online and find out the secret for yourself.

This movie has a mind-blowing concept – and it bears a strong message. Will Smith plays Ben Thomas in this movie, and once again he blows his audience away.

I thought this movie was phenomenal, but the critics don't seem to agree with me. They thought that Will Smith's performance was brilliant, but the plot fell short. They felt the twists and turns of the movie were revealed too soon and this dragged out the rest of the movie. A lot said that it was badly filmed, badly written, and a lot of people complained about the outcome of the movie as well. What did you think about this movie? Let me know by posting your response below. If you haven't seen it yet, search for it after clicking any of the links below:

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

You've Got Mail

“Someone you pass on the street may already be the love of your life”...

Tom Hanks stars alongside Meg Ryan for a second time in another fabulous romance – You've Got Mail. This movie is based off the classic “The Shop Around The Corner”, but replaces pen-pals with an update of “chat rooms”. If you watch this movie now – you will laugh at how out-dated even this “update” is on technology.

Tom Hanks is Joe Fox – a Mega-Bookstore owner that rakes in the cash and puts all small shops out of business. Meg Ryan plays Kathleen Kelly, a woman looking for substance in life and struggling to keep her small bookstore business alive that she inherited from her late mother.

The two complete strangers meet each other on a chat room over the Internet, and feel an instant connection. They continue to correspond with one another, and their interest in each other deepens. As they are under secret user names and are completely unaware of each other's true identity, they feel free to be themselves.

Online, Kathleen cries out to Joe for advice about her small bookstore, and she takes what she gives him. (This turns into her bashing his business over the news that night – him having no idea that it's really his online love interest). Finally – they decide to meet. They know of each other in person, they know of each other online, but for all they know that means completely different people.

Joe discovers that it's really Kathleen before she knows it – and he despises her, yet is conflicted as he knows her true kind self from their online chats. Where will this mess of a situation take them?

I've always liked this movie, but it's not one of my favorites. It makes me laugh how out-dated it is now, but the love story that it holds will never become obsolete. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan never fail to impress with their dynamic on screen – and You've Got Mail has proven to be another cute feel-good film that people will always turn to.
Watch videos online: Look for this movie and any of your other favorites by clicking on one of the links below to download videos for free:

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Monday, July 12, 2010


She is literally the Polaroid of perfection, she has everything and she'll give it to you in a second. Looks can deceive – she wears her heart on her sleeve. She'll steal you away, not just one day. Every day is an ordinary day, in her world she's an ordinary girl!

Cher is popular, pampered, and prim. She wears the best clothes, has the best friends, and has a lot of money. On the outside, she may just appear to be a ditz with no understanding of the truth behind the meaning of life, but on the inside she is a truly good person with a thirst for helping those less fortunate than herself.

The ultimate high school movie of the 1990's, Clueless shows its audience in a comedic way that there's no such thing as true beauty without brains. An unsuspecting love interest, a loving father, and a best friend to share all the latest secrets with – this movie has all the ingredients for a feel-good teen flick.

I've always really liked this movie, and I don't think it will ever get old. It's really funny, a little bit stupid but in a good way, and it's really cute. Alicia Silverstone who plays Cher did a great job of playing the modern day interpretation of Jane Austen's Emma, and made the story come to life for the audience.

When this movie came out it was a huge hit, and the language that was in it started a whole new age of slang for the generation. Remember “Whatever” and “the 411”, “I'm outtie”? Pretty much started from Clueless. Check out this movie for yourself! Click on one of the links below to watch videos online. I'm sure you will like it. What was your favorite part from this movie?

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Friday, July 9, 2010


It's the last day of 8th grade – and all the girls are nervous for their upcoming freshman year. The freshman year, after all, is the shaping year for your whole high school life. Everyone knows that the coolest place to sit is by the water fountains at lunch, sink that spot and you're set!

Julie plans a sleepover with 3 of her best friends. They start talking online to school bully and popular girl Staci while she's having a sleepover of her own with her popular girl followers. They decide to have a sleepover scavenger hunt, and whoever wins gets the best spot to eat at lunch in grade 9.

Re-dressing mannequins, frozen bras, school dances, first kisses, tiny cars, sneaking out of the house, sneaking back in the house, breaking the rules, being in a dumpster, underwear, and boys, there's no telling what the tasks may involve. They just have to make sure they get a picture of it!

What did I think of this movie? Well, let's just say it's definitely meant for a younger audience. It's the perfect sleepover film for young girls under 13, but it scares me what message they may take from it. There's no sense of safety in this movie, and I don't like the message that portrays. Other than that, I thought it was a fun adventure that shows young girls that the “popular” ones don't always have all the power.

If you're looking to watch a good film, I don't recommend this. However if you're looking for something light and mildly funny and cutesy, you make like this movie. To look for it, click on one of the links below to download videos for free. Let me know what you think of it.

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Employee Of The Month

Super Club is extremely popular – it's the largest discount bulk retailer around. The customers are loyal, and the employees are hardworking. At Super Club, the most prestigious honor for any employee would be to get the status of “employee of the month”.
This award gets respect from bosses and fellow employees, some special previelges, and a special picture on the lounge wall.

Vince and Zack have both been working at Super Club for a long 10 years – but they have both ended up very differently in the company. Vince has advanced to become head cashier and has become the recipient of 17 employee of the month awards. His check-out speed is unbeatable, and he always leaves his customers happy.

On the other hand, Zack has become the ultimate slacker – his laziness has allowed him to become close with the box boys, and they hang out up the skids in a secret hideaway. His low rank doesn't seem to bother him, yet he despises everything that Vince represents.

Then comes a transferred employee, Amy (Jessica Simpson). She's cashier, she's beautiful, and she has a scary record of only dating guys that were employees of the month. Immediately, Amy becomes the center of attention around the store, and Vince and Zack compete as hard as they can to win her affection.

Zack thinks the path to her heart is to become the employee of the month, and he will do anything to out-do Vince around Super Club. Even if it takes a check-out-off...

This movie is a good time-passer, But I only saw it once and I only ever wanted to watch it once. It was pretty funny, and I liked Jessica Simpson in it, but I'm not the biggest fan of Dane Cook as an actor. As a comedian, I think he is brilliant – but I find him really hard to believe on screen. The movie I felt was a little dragged out, but I did get a few laughs out of it.

Look for this movie for yourself by clicking on one of the links below to download videos for free, and let me know what you think of it. How do you like Dane Cook as an actor vs. a stand up comedian?

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Haunting of Molly Hartley

Molly Hartley is 17 years old and just moved to a new town. Normally, for a girl in this position – the worst of your worries would be making new friends and finding your classes. For Molly Hartley, this is not the case.

She continually is disturbed by haunting visions from her past that she needs to discover the secret behind, but doesn't know how. Her mother is locked up in a psychotic ward for the attempting murder on Molly, yet she still finds Molly in her visions and warns her for the hell that is to come.

Molly finds out that her soul belongs to the devil, and it be be unleashed on her when she turns 18. It's hard for Molly to decipher any kind of truth out of these visions and from what people say around her, and it's up for her to decide what is fact and what is fiction all before it is too late.

I watched this movie with high hopes – the trailer was pretty intriguing. I thought the movie had great potential due to its concept, but I felt it lost itself along the way trying to give an edgy plot that the audience wasn't expecting. I didn't like the outcome of the movie, and I felt this movie had quite a few missed opportunities. Other than that though, yes it did scare me, and yes most of it was still well-done.

Click on one of the links below to download videos for free and look for the Haunting of Molly Hartley today. I know I said it's not the best horror movie – but I still think it's worth your watching. The past awaits her... what is Molly's secret?

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Boyfriend School

Gus is a cartoonist that's a little overweight, a little shy, and lonely. He just won a tough cancer battle, and is excited to get back on the market and back to living his life. And then he met Emily – the girl of his dreams. But who would ever fall for a guy like Gus? Especially a woman a beautiful as Emily who has perfect guying wooing her with all that they have.

Gus' sister wants the world for him and is so proud of him after all he has been through. She just wants him to have all that he wants – and that's a woman to love. His sister takes him basically to boyfriend school to teach him all he has to know about being the perfect man. But even that doesn't seem good enough.

And then there was Lobo... Or Gus? Gus decides to go undercover as a mysterious New Zealand biker who's attractive (for this 1990 anyway) and the ultimate ladies man. He “bumps” into Emily and woos her until she falls in love with him. The only problem is, does Emily love Lobo? Or does she love Gus? Can Gus ever come out with his true identity to her? Will she still love him or will she be angry, disgusted, and get rid of him?

Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out. Click on one of the links below for free videos online and look for this movie today.

This is such a typical 80s-90s movie. It's corny, bad acting, and bad humor, but I still love it. I don't know exactly why but I've always been a fan of Steve Guttenberg who plays Gus in this film. I thought it actually ended up being a really cute movie and carried a good message of true self and how confidence is key. It provides some good lessons learned on the best part is always what's inside, and I think it's a perfect night-in movie with your Pjs and a bowl of popcorn. Let me know what you think after you see it.

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Monday, July 5, 2010

A Little Princess

Sara Crewe comes from a wealthy family. Her mother passed away when she was young, and she is forced to say goodbye to her father when he is enlisted in the British Army. They leave their comfortable home in India and Sara is enrolled in Miss Minchin's School For Girls, a boarding school where she must learn to live on her own and make friends with strangers.

Making friends and escaping the fact that she misses her father comes quite easy to her when she lets her imagination run free and tell wild and vivid stories to her fellow classmates. They instantly love her.

When the cruel Miss Minchin hears of this, she immediately becomes intimidated with how powerful of a person Sara is, and she bans her from the thing she does best – make believe. The stories were banned, the imagination was banned, and it only gets worse from here for Sara.

One day, Miss Minchin tells Sara coldly that her father passed away in war, and that if she wishes to keep a roof above her head and have food to eat, she must become a servant for the school. Her comfortable room and precious belongings are stripped from her, and she is forced to live in the cold dark attic where she is far away from friends, hope, and comfort.

But she is not alone. Sara meets Becky, another servant for the school, and the two become the best of friends and escape their loneliness in Sara's stories.

Sara believes that her father really is still alive. She will do anything and everything to discover the truth, and put it all on the line. One young girl is only capable of so much, but it is important to remember that perception is everything. Is she just a girl? Or is she a special princess that can do anything she sets her mind to?

I saw this movie as a young child and again when I was older – I found new ways to appreciate it every time. It has never failed to bring tears to my eyes, and the movie has a lot of great messages to bring to the audience. This movie stresses the importance of family, of faith, of friendship, and of self-belief. I recommend that everyone should see this movie – I believe it to be truly moving. Click one of the links below to download videos for free and watch it today.

This movie also had some interesting Hinduism elements due tot he fact that Sara and her Father lived in India. Sara's imaginative stories involve characters like Rama, and the movie used vivid imagery to portray the impact of Sara's imagination. Just a quick mention, because I thought that was an interesting aspect to this film.

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