Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Boyfriend School

Gus is a cartoonist that's a little overweight, a little shy, and lonely. He just won a tough cancer battle, and is excited to get back on the market and back to living his life. And then he met Emily – the girl of his dreams. But who would ever fall for a guy like Gus? Especially a woman a beautiful as Emily who has perfect guying wooing her with all that they have.

Gus' sister wants the world for him and is so proud of him after all he has been through. She just wants him to have all that he wants – and that's a woman to love. His sister takes him basically to boyfriend school to teach him all he has to know about being the perfect man. But even that doesn't seem good enough.

And then there was Lobo... Or Gus? Gus decides to go undercover as a mysterious New Zealand biker who's attractive (for this 1990 anyway) and the ultimate ladies man. He “bumps” into Emily and woos her until she falls in love with him. The only problem is, does Emily love Lobo? Or does she love Gus? Can Gus ever come out with his true identity to her? Will she still love him or will she be angry, disgusted, and get rid of him?

Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out. Click on one of the links below for free videos online and look for this movie today.

This is such a typical 80s-90s movie. It's corny, bad acting, and bad humor, but I still love it. I don't know exactly why but I've always been a fan of Steve Guttenberg who plays Gus in this film. I thought it actually ended up being a really cute movie and carried a good message of true self and how confidence is key. It provides some good lessons learned on the best part is always what's inside, and I think it's a perfect night-in movie with your Pjs and a bowl of popcorn. Let me know what you think after you see it.

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