Monday, May 17, 2010


We all started out somewhere! Cute, chubby, curious, crying, and at times crazy – babies remind us everyday of the the miracle of life and that its the simple things in this world that matter the most. Babies, which hit theaters Friday May 7th, was a sure hit for Mother's Day weekend. It's not too late to enjoy this movie with your mom, a friend, or anyone who can enjoy a laugh at a drooling, adorable baby.

Babies is an educational film that takes you on a journey covering the first year of life for 4 babies across the globe: Ponijao – born in Namibia, Bayar – born in Mongolia, Mari – born in Japan, and Hattie – born in California.

It can be said that our world has become too consumed with focusing on our differences between cultures. Although there are many, filmmaker Thomas Balmes shows the world through this movie that maybe we are not all that different after all. The first year is the shaping year; think of all the things we experience for the first time. We hear our first sounds, take our first breaths, and view the world through brand new curious eyes. These views of the world may differ in Namibia from California, but it still is a view of our planet Earth. We all call this place home, and Balmes allows the audience to discover this and just how much we have in common through the eyes of babies in this adorable film.

A lot of light laughs, a lot of little discoveries of our own - this is a film that is sure to bring you back down to earth. The audience was pleased with the documentary – with no narrator this is a film of visual storytelling that is both engaging and embracing. A topic everyone in the world can relate to, Babies reminds us adults not to be so serious all the time – life is here for us to enjoy and learn from every day.

For this movie and other documentaries alike – check out one of these sites where I watched free videos online!

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