Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Invention of Lying

Imagine an alternate world where there was no such thing as lying – no one would ever doubt anything you told them, everyone would take every word that came out of your mouth for the truth. Everyone would be brutally honest, not worry about hurting others' feelings, and it never crossed anyone's mind to do anything different.

Then there was Mark (played by Ricky Gervis), a man that a lot of people do not like, find fat and are not afraid to tell him that. He was sick of people being brutally honest with him, until he one day discovered maybe telling the truth isn't the only option. The Invention of Lying.

He walks into the bank and tells them he wishes to make a withdrawal that is much larger than the balance in his account, and the teller believes him and blames it on the computer system and gives him the money that he asks for. Mark now realizes he can fully lie his way into anything he wishes. What he must, unfortunately, discover, is that lying cannot win you love.

A concept unlike any other that has been in any romantic comedy, this alternate world will have you laughing at just how silly telling the truth ALL of the time really is. A favorite line of mine from the movie is when Mark and his date Anna (played by Jennifer Garner) are out to dinner. As they are being served their drinks and the waiter says to Anna, “I had a little sip of this, from right there”.

Find your own favorite lines and laugh about this funny concept by watching this movie like I did! Find it here: Watch Videos Online to download it and don't forget to search for your other favorite flicks!

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